Friday 18 September 2009


This game has been out for a while now and i've had it since it first release, and i have to say its an highly addictive, fun, exciting game.

'Geared' is a innovative and challenging puzzle game. With 80 levels of gameplay the objective is simply(we would think), there is two gears, YELLOW and BLUE, and all that has to be done is to use the YELLOW gear and power the BLUE gear, using other different sizes of gears. The game starts off very very simply until you reach around level 43 and them your creative genius has to kick in. In my own words, 'it gets difficult'. The game is a bit repetive but doesnt affect the fun, it can also be a bit frustrating. Im currently on level 72 and i am tryng to take a break but i cant put my iphone down, even while writing this blog.

Number one paid App in the USA, UK, IRELAND(August) and FINLAND(September).

  • Player rank awards
  • Play own music
  • Progress is saved automatically
  • Reset all levels button
  • Original sound effects
  • Settings menu with soundFx mute
  • Level selection menu
  • Player time tracker
  • Varying difficulty: easy to nearly impossible
  • 80 levels of gameplay

Updates are due to come soon. Check out 'Geared' on the Appstore, cost $0.99(£0.59p). You wont be disappointed.

AppStore Link:

Thursday 17 September 2009

Update from Dev-Team on PwnageTool 3.1

Jailbreak issues, the Dev-Team has added a few updates to their firmware 3.1 Jailbreak post. People who are having issues with the PwnageTool 3.1 jailbreak can check the updates below:

Update 1: Please do not put links to custom IPSWs in your comments, because the software in them is copyrighted by Apple. The Dev Team motto has always been “patch, don’t pirate!”. And you’ll just make things harder for your friendly moderators angiepangie and Confucious :)

Update 2: Unlocked users on the 3G will probably notice that the name and/or logo of their carrier is missing, but they still have full bars and a signal. So far this seems to be purely a cosmetic issue and it doesn’t impact your signal or coverage. We hope to have this issue “fixed” when we release the 3GS compatible version of PwnageTool. This is very likely tied to Update #3…

Update 3: As of 3.1, the *.ipcc carrier bundles are signed, and you can no longer force tethering capability simply by crafting your own bundle. The good news is this obstacle can probably be overcome by virtue of the jailbreak. But so far that extra hack is not part of the PwnageTool custom IPSW creation.

PwnageTool is the jailbreak for Mac, read HERE


Wednesday 16 September 2009

Mobile Navigator Update: Live Traffic

The makers of the app Mobile Navigator, Navigon, will be anouncing a live traffic feature tommorrow, that is due to come out in October. This update will only be for the North American version of the software. They have already release a update early this month 'text to speech' which puts them ahead of all the iphone navigation software on the app store.

There is however a catch, this upcoming update will not be free, rather it will cost another $25 via an in-app purchase, on top of the current $90 price tag for the app itself. (For the first four weeks after its release, however, the Traffic Live feature will be available for an introductory price of $20.) The good news is it's a one-time fee, meaning you won't have to continue to pay to use this feature

From the company:

The system uses real time speed data from over one million drivers across North America including commercial fleets such as trucks and taxis but also regular drivers with a GPS system. For example if several vehicles on a road report slow speed, the system recognizes congestion and provides an alternate and quicer route.
The feature also uses an intelligent fusionof information from traffic cameras, speed sensors and conventional traffic messages coming through a radio network. In addition, the system includes historic traffic data to assist with the prediction of road conditions when calculating a route. This includes information about traffic conditions on certain holidays or yearly events, allowing drivers to avoid taking routes that traditionally are congested on a regular basis.

I know we all are waiting to see how TomTom and some of the other navigation software company respond.

I currently have TomTom on my iphone and i would love to see them have something similar, come on TomTom. Leave your comments.

Tuesday 15 September 2009

3.1 Pwnage Tool release: Dev-Team releases Firmware 3.1 jailbreak for iPhone 2G,3G and iPod touch 1G

The great Dev-Team has released a jailbreak for the latest 3.1 firmware, it will jailbreak iPhone 2G,3G and iPodtouch 1G. This release is PwnageTool for Mac OS X, Redsn0w will be release soon Has always they insist that you read the there entire post before atempting anything.

Here is a perview of the post but you can see the full article and download the files HERE.

This is the low down on our tools for use with the 3.1 firmware from Apple, please read the whole post in full before attempting anything. Because of changes with Apple’s update techniques (that complicate the 3GS upgrade process) this will be a multipart release. This release starts with PwnageTool 3.1 for Mac OS X - this application supports the iPhone 1st Generation (2G), the iPhone 3G and the iPod touch 1G. NB: THIS DOES NOT SUPPORT THE 3GS OR 2G/3G IPOD TOUCH. redsn0w for Mac OS X and Windows will follow sometime in the near future, please don’t bug us about it - we’ll release when we have something ready.

  1. GOLDEN RULE: If you are using a 3G iPhone with ultrasn0w and rely on ultrasn0w to obtain cellular service, then you should only upgrade to 3.1 with a PwnageTool created .ipsw. - Stay away from Apple’s direct updates as described here and here please get up to speed on the whole subject by reading the information contained in these posts.
  2. If you have an original iPhone (1st generation) then 3.1 unlock works with this PwnageTool release. iPhone 3G users upgrading to 3.1 will need to continue using ultrasn0w with a PwnageTool created 3.1 .ipsw
  3. Please read all parts of this post before downloading and using these tools.
  4. Read items 1, 2 and 3 again and again.
  5. At the bottom of this post are the bittorrent files for the 3.1 capable version of PwnageTool.
  6. This app is suitable for the recent 3.1 release.
  7. This version of PwnageTool will NOT work for the iPhone 3GS.
  8. PwnageTool WILL work for Original iPhone (1st Generation), Original iPod touch (1st Generation) and the iPhone 3G.

Latest update from the Dev team

The dev-team all have being working hard to get the jailbreak for the 3.1, while letting people keep there unlock. They have been adamant that people who wants to jailbreak or keep there jailbreak should stay well away from the apple IPSW firmware. Read the post below and leave your comments or any questions.

Here is the latest from the dev team:

Future-proofing the 3GS jailbreak
If there’s one thing we’ve been stressing the last few weeks, it’s that if you want to keep the jailbreak or unlock on your 3GS, you should resist all urges to install Apple’s official firmware updates without knowing if a jailbreak exists for that version yet. Unless another (different) bootrom exploit is found for the 3GS that doesn’t require a “foot in the door” with a signed official iBoot, then accepting official updates willy-nilly may cause you to be cutoff from the jailbreak. And it will definitely cause you to be cutoff from the carrier unlock.
Now, there are ways to ensure that even after taking an official 3GS update (which you really shouldn’t do!), that you’ll nonetheless be able to revert to a jailbreakable 3GS (this is NOT true for the unlock, see NOTE #1 below). We’ve been explaining these methods (like the iTunes /tmp technique) over the last few weeks, and there’s been some great discussion and feedback for the methods in the comments.
Having said all that, we realize that some of you updated your 3GS to 3.1 anyway. If you want to come back to the world of the jailbreak (but NOT the sim unlock, sorry!) then saurik’s new “on file” server may be able to help. He’s got all the details in a new article so do check it out.
Even if you did not update your 3GS to official 3.1 (good job! You really shouldn’t do that!), then you should still read the article and make those changes today. We fully recommend redirecting your iTunes signing process through saurik’s “on file” server to future-proof your 3GS jailbreak through all future updates.
NOTE #1: the carrier sim unlock is a different story. Jailbreaking and unlocking have two different security mechanisms, and if you update your 3GS (or 3G) to 3.1, you will lose your carrier unlock, possibly forever. Even if you downgrade from 3.1 to 3.0, you will have lost your carrier unlock. So if you think you’ll ever want to carrier unlock your 3G or 3GS (or maybe give it away or resell it later as an unlockable iPhone), then please stay clear of all official Apple IPSWs. You’ll soon be able to create custom 3.1 IPSWs using PwnageTool that let you pre-hack your 3.1 update in a way that preserves the carrier unlock.
NOTE #2: The custom IPSW flow using PwnageTool also ensures that even if Apple fixes all the iBoot holes, you’ll still be able to retain your jailbreak through later updates. That’s because a jailbroken iPhone will happily accept a custom (pre-jailbroken) firmware update even though it’s not blessed with Apples signatures. This is the “once jailbroken, always jailbroken” approach. It’s very powerful, but it requires you to only update to pre-hacked IPSWs.
NOTE #3: None of this applies if you have an iPhone 2G, iPod touch 1G, or iPod touch 2G. The iPhone 3G is also unaffected by Apple’s signing process for the jailbreak, but it is susceptible to permanent loss of the carrier unlock as mentioned in note #1.

Monday 14 September 2009

apple, customer service, there help and support

Have you experience any contact with apple's customer service, good or bad. Leave a message on this post explaining what experience you had. Anything you have get it off your chest. write about it an let others know.

Sunday 19 July 2009

iphone website

Have you got an iPhone or iPod touch, do you want to jailbreak or unlock it, visit my website, i give full support through email, if you email for support or help, i guarantee to get back to you within 15 minutes. If you want to jailbreak or unlock or support, go to my site.